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Workplace Fairness Web Site One of PC Magazine’s Top 100


If you’re getting a raw deal at work, turn to Workplace Fairness.

So says PC Magazine, in naming the Workplace Fairness web site to its list of “Top 100 Sites You Didn’t Know You Couldn’t Live Without” in its April 20, 2004 issue, now hitting the newstands. “You’ll wonder how you ever got along without these little-known gems,” says the magazine about this Top 100 List of relatively undiscovered sites. We are extremely pleased to share this recognition with our readers, many of whom have been our most staunch supporters in the early days of our web site’s development.

The Workplace Fairness site is listed as one of seven sites under the Jobs and Money category of sites, sharing the category with job-hunting and networking sites such as, which searches employers’ job sites for job opportunities not listed elsewhere, and LinkedIn, which facilitates networking with friends of friends and contacts. Another noteworthy site, with similar kinds of content likely to be of interest, is the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, which has “dozens of fact sheets, testimonials, and helpful links to help you understand and safeguard your [privacy] rights.” Other categories on the list include:


Internet, Wireless and Security

Consumer Electronics & Photography


Fun & Games





Search & Learn


Here’s what PC Magazine has to say about the types of sites that it selected for this list:

What is a top Web site? It’s a site you rely on — one you just have to tell your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors about. It is surprisingly useful, funny, informative, addictive. It does something cool you’ve never seen before.

Being as how PC Magazine also bills itself as “The Independent Guide to Technology,” it also tests the chosen sites in several technical categories, including how fast the site downloads, and how many other sites link to the chosen site, according to Google. Workplace Fairness also acquitted itself reasonably well in those technical categories as well. Our site was one of only 4 “Undiscovered” sites out of 100 that had over 10,000 “Google backlinks,” a measure of site popularity which analyzes all the links to a particular web site page. (See What We Found: Popularity.) For those of you with slower computers, you’ll be happy to note that our site ranks in the “normal” category (between 2 to 6 seconds) of loading speed. (See What We Found: Loading Speed.) On the down side, they did note a situation of which we are all too well aware: our site is far from complete, and a number of pages are under construction. With our small staff, it’s always a challenge to add all of the new content we hope to one day provide, but we plan to make a great deal of progress this year in terms of completing long-awaited site content, especially in the “your rights” section of our site.

Plenty of kudos are due to Tom Nagel of Midwest New Media in Cincinnati, our web site designer extraordinaire, Dan Mahoney, the Workplace Fairness executive director, who lends his constant expertise and guidance to our site, and our Board of Directors, strong advocates for our programmatic and fundraising efforts. But we also owe a special thanks to our site visitors: workers, HR professionals, attorneys, union representatives, and other workplace advocates, for whom we provide what we hope will be valuable information on a daily basis. Many of you have been key financial supporters as well, allowing us to survive and thrive along the way. We hope that you will continue to support us and to share our site with others: like PC Magazine says, our site is one of those that you rely on and “just have to tell your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors about.”

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.