3 (Three): Websites for Employment Lawyers
Don’t have a web site yet? Not happy with your current website provider? You’re not alone — while it may be hard to make getting a website up and running your top priority, it should be. Turn to the employment law experts, and in 90 minutes or less, you can have a brand new website.
For $3,000 a year (around $8 a day!), we’ll create an entire web site for you, with Workplace Fairness’ content already built in. We’ll host, supply a variety of designs so you can tailor the site and provide both fresh daily workplace content and hundreds of pages from the award-winning Workplace Fairness website. Compare that to the costly legal site providers who charge $10,000 a year or more, while including information primarily of interest to defense lawyers — not your clients. We’ll save you time as well, since you won’t have to deal with web firms who don’t specialize in law firm websites and don’t understand what’s important to your current and potential clients: workers who have been wronged.
To get started, sign up for your free listing here!
Or contact us today to put to work for you:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 240-772-1205