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Today’s Workplace is Taking Back Labor Day!

On Labor Day, September 1, Workplace Fairness will launch the Take Back Labor Day blog project right here, on the new and improved Today’s Workplace blog.

We hope you’ll support Take Back Labor Day by visiting the blog and sharing your opinions and insights with our bloggers and our readers through the comment function. Please help us start a real conversation about workplace fairness in this country.  Most importantly, we’d love for you to tell your colleagues, members, readers, friends, family and whoever you think would be interested? Would you talk about Take Back Labor Day on your blog, website and/or in your newsletter?

Some of the most influential and provocative thinkers on workplace issues today have agreed to participate in Workplace Fairness’s Take Back Labor Day blog project. They are:

Take Back Labor Day is part of a larger effort, where upwards of 40 blogs have agreed to blog about Labor Day and labor issues on Labor Day 2008, to rally American workers and remind the American public about what Labor Day is really about – that’s it’s much much more than just a three-day weekend!

At Workplace Fairness, we hope the Today’s Workplace blog will become the premier online discussion forum for experts, thought leaders, organizers, practitioners and the general public to mix freely with each other to find common ground and shape the public discourse around labor – what’s discussed, how it’s discussed, and ultimately impacting policy.  Visit us in September and join the conversation!

UPDATE: Thanks to Michael Whitney at American Rights at Work, we’ve been plugged on DailyKos!  Michael will be joining us as a blogger as well.

UPDATE 2: More guest bloggers have joined us, including David Moberg, Senior Editor of In These Times, and Paul Secunda, law professor at Marquette and blogger, Workplace Prof Blog.  Don’t be left out — if you have something to say, contact us, or be sure to participate in the comments section once we launch on Labor Day, September 1.

UPDATE 3: We’re still adding bloggers to our list:  Cynthia Estlund, law professor at New York University School of Law, Robin Runge, Director of the Commission on Domestic Violence at the American Bar Association, and Dr. David Madland, the Director of the American Worker Project at the Center for American Progress, will also be joining the fun here at Today’s Workplace.

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.