Wisconsin Government Agencies
For more information about filing a discrimination or harassment claim in Wisconsin, see our page on filing a discrimination complaint: Wisconsin
Discrimination/Harassment – State Agency
Wisconsin Equal Rights Division (WERD)
Madison Office
1 South Pinckney Street, Room 320
P.O. Box 8928
Madison, WI 53708-8928
Phone: (608) 266-6860
TDD: (608) 264-8752
Fax: (608) 267-4592
Milwaukee Office
819 North Sixth St., Room 255
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Phone: (414) 227-4384
TDD: (414) 227-4081
Fax: (414) 227-4084
Web Address: https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/er/
Agency Description/Mission: WERD’s mission is to protect the rights of all people in Wisconsin under the civil rights and labor standards laws we administer; to achieve compliance through education, outreach, and enforcement by empowered and committed employees; and to perform our responsibilities with reasonableness, efficiency, and fairness.
Discrimination/Harassment – Local Offices of Federal Agency (EEOC)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Milwaukee District Office
310 West Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 800
Milwaukee, WI 53203-2292
Phone: (414) 297-1111
TTY: (414) 297-1115
For more information about this agency, see the EEOC section of our page on federal agencies
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
Appleton Area Office |
Madison Area Office |
Eau Claire Area Office |
Milwaukee Area Office |
For more information about this agency, see the OSHA section of our page on federal agencies
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
Unemployment Insurance Division
Phone: (608) 232-0678 (claims filing)
Phone: (608) 232-0824 (questions/assistance)
Phone: (414) 438-7700 (claims filing)
Phone: (414) 438-7713 (questions/assistance)
Toll-Free: (800) 822-5246 (claims filing)
Toll-Free: (800) 494-4944 (questions/assistance)
TTY (toll free): (888) 393-8914
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web Address: https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/
Wage and Hour/Labor Standards – State Agency
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
Labor Standards Bureau
Madison Office
201 East Washington Avenue Room A300
P.O. Box 8928
Madison, WI 53708-8928
Phone: (608) 266-6860
TTY: (608) 264-8752
Fax: (608) 267-4592
Milwaukee Office
819 North Sixth Street, Room 255
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Phone: (414) 227-4384
TTY: (414) 227-4081
Fax: (414) 227-4084
Web Address: https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/er/labor_standards_bureau/
How to File a Labor Standards Complaint
Wage and Hour/Labor Standards – Local Offices of Federal Agency (DOL)
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
ESA Wage & Hour Division
Madison District Office
740 Regent Street, Suite 102
Madison, WI 53715-1233
Phone: (608) 264-5221
Fax: (608) 264-5224
For more information about this agency, see the U.S. Department of Labor section of our page on federal agencies
Department of Workforce Development
Workers’ Compensation Division
201 East Washington Avenue, Room C-100
P. O. Box 7901
Madison, WI 53707
Phone: (608) 266-1340
Fax: (608) 267-0394
Web Address: https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/wc/