Oregon Government Agencies
For more information about filing a discrimination or harassment claim in Oregon, see our page on filing a discrimination complaint: Oregon
Discrimination/Harassment — State Agency
Bureau of Labor & Industries (BOLI)
Civil Rights Division
Portland Office |
Pendleton Office |
Eugene Office |
Medford Office |
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web Address: http://www.oregon.gov/boli/Pages/index.aspx
Agency Description/Mission: The Civil Rights Division of the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) enforces Oregon’s civil rights laws. These laws ban discrimination against individuals because of characteristics that make them part of a protected class. Anyone claiming to have been discriminated against at work, in a place where the public is served such as a restaurant or a hotel, when buying or renting housing or when applying for or attending a career school can file a complaint with the BOLI’s Civil Rights Division.
Discrimination/Harassment — Local Offices of Federal Agency (EEOC)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Seattle District Office
Federal Office Building
909 First Avenue, Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98104-1061
Phone: (206) 220-6883
TTY: (206) 220-6882
For more information about this agency, see the EEOC section of our page on federal agencies
Oregon Department of Consumer & Business Services
Occupational Safety and Health Division
350 Winter Street, NE, Room 430
Salem, OR 97301
Phone: (503) 378-3272
Toll-Free (in Oregon): (800) 922-2689
Web Address: http://www.orosha.org
Agency Description/Mission: In Oregon, OR-OSHA (the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division) administers the OSEAct and enforces Oregon’s occupational safety and health rules. These rules establish minimum safety and health standards for all industries and outline specific standards for individual industries such as logging and agriculture.
Oregon Employment Department Employment Office Locations
(no published central office address)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web Address: https://www.oregon.gov/EMPLOY/Unemployment/Pages/default.aspx
Wage and Hour/Labor Standards — State Agency
Bureau of Labor & Industries (BOLI)
Wage & Hour Division
Eugene Office |
Portland Office |
Medford Office |
Salem Office |
TDD (Portland): (503) 731-4069
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web Address: https://www.oregon.gov/boli/WHD/pages/index.aspx
Agency Description/Mission: The Wage and Hour Division serves Oregon wage earners by enforcing laws covering state minimum wage and overtime requirements, working conditions, child labor, farm and forest labor contracting, and wage collection. The division also regulates the employment of workers on public works projects.
Frequently Asked Questions/Fact Sheets
Wage and Hour/Labor Standards — Local Offices of Federal Agency (DOL)
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
ESA Wage & Hour Division
620 SW Main Street
Room 423
Portland, OR 97205
Phone: (503) 326-3057
Fax: (503) 326-5951
For more information about this agency, see the U.S. Department of Labor section of our page on federal agencies
Oregon Department of Consumer & Business Services
Workers’ Compensation Division
350 Winter Street, NE, Room 27
Salem, OR 97301-3879
Phone: (503) 947-7810
Toll-Free (in Oregon): (800) 452-0288
TTY: (503) 947-7993
Fax: (503) 947-7612
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web Address: http://www.cbs.state.or.us/external/wcd/index.html
Agency Description/Mission: The Workers’ Compensation Division administers Oregon’s Workers’ Compensation Law and regulates workers’ compensation insurance carriers and employers to ensure that workers injured on the job receive the benefits due them and employment assistance to regain their economic self-sufficiency.